Monday, February 22, 2016

Artificial Intelligence News Issue 11

Welcome to the Momenta Learning News on Artificial Intelligence. This is issue 11, please feel free to share this post.

M*Modal's Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence Is Widely Adopted by Physicians to Improve Patient Care - M*Modal

Franklin, TN - February 16, 2016 - M*Modal, a leading provider of clinical documentation and Speech Understanding™ solutions, today announced that its ground-breaking clinical intelligence has been broadly embraced by physicians in over 150 sites since the launch of the application in 2015.

Storytelling may be the secret to creating ethical artificial intelligence | ExtremeTech

One of the more disturbing trends in robotics is how often some researchers gloss over the moral complexities of AI by suggesting Isaac Asimov's " Three Laws of Robotics " will be sufficient to handle any ambiguities robots encounter.

DailyDirt: Uncanny Artificial Intelligence | Techdirt

Human intelligence is about to be bested by computers playing the game of Go, and software already soundly defeats people at games like chess and specific variations of poker. If we're trying to keep our smug superiority, people are still better than AI at MMORPGs and a few other skills...

This New Artificial Intelligence Script-Reading Program Could Find Your Next Oscar Role

During his 12 years in UTA's story department, Scott Foster estimates he read about 5,500 screenplays. "Even if it was the worst script ever, I had to read it cover to cover," he says.

IBM To Hold $5 Million Watson Artificial Intelligence Contest

IBM has a new plan to popularize its Watson cognitive computing technology. The business technology giant said on Tuesday at the TED conference in Vancouver, British Columbia that it will hold a $5 million competition for developers and researchers who can come up with something revolutionary while using Watson as the underlying technology.

The Missing Link of Artificial Intelligence

We don't know how to make software that learns without explicit instruction-but we need to if dreams of humanlike AI are to come true. In 2012 the world learned of a surprising research project inside Google's secretive X lab.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence - The NonProfit Times

A concept that would have seemed like nothing more than an oxymoron not too long ago is now one that is commonly used: Artificial Intelligence (AI). Considering what passes for intelligence in much of the world, the artificial kind can look rather appealing, but like any trend it can carry its own drawbacks.

Using Artificial Intelligence to optimize business processes | Blog post

I've worked with a number of large companies, both as an IT consultant and now in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) space, and the challenge remains the same: find new ways to generate year-over-year savings. And while BPO has been incredibly effective in driving out costs and delivering new business value, organizations are still looking for that next level of savings.

The Grid: Web Design by Artificial Intelligence

As mentioned last year, I'm working on a Artificial Intelligence that can do web design. It is called The Grid. Last week I gave a talk at Lift Conference explaining how it all works.

Is AI Next in FX? - Markets Media

nbsp AI may soon be coming to FX. That's not a sci-fi program announcement. The electronic foreign exchange trading platforms of 2016 are light years ahead of the earliest iterations of a few decades ago, the most advanced of which matched orders via a screen, perhaps using an algorithm that by today's standards would be kindly described as rudimentary.

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