Sunday, March 6, 2016

Artificial Intelligence News Issue 15

Welcome to the Momenta Learning News on Artificial Intelligence. This is issue 15, please feel free to share this post.

Artificial Intelligence: Five Highly Anticipated Developments

If you browse through news and discussions related to artificial intelligence (AI) over the past year, you will observe diverse opinions being peddled across the AI spectrum- some predict an overtly pessimistic scenario for humanity while others heap plaudits on the technological developments in the field.

Legal Analysis Finds Judges Have No Idea What Robots Are

The last judge-ordered beheading in the United States occurred in 1981, US District Judge Charles Brieant announced that the "dismantling of Walter Ego's head and torso will be required." This wasn't some act of government-endorsed brutality, however. Walter Ego was a robot entertainer that was suspiciously similar to a competing robot named Rodney.

Jayne: Issue much more complex than 'Apple bad, FBI good'

Being painfully aware of my many limitations, it didn't take long to realize that I am not smart enough to fully understand the kerfuffle between the FBI and Apple. You know, the one in which the federal government has asked the technology giant to break into an iPhone.

Google teaching its AI to predict next sentences of famous dead authors

Google is working on developing smarter AI (artificial intelligence) systems which will be able to understand natural language based on connotation and personality traits of the speaker. The tech giant is currently teaching its AI to recognise and predict the works of famous dead authors.

AI learns to predict human reactions by reading our fiction

"Over many millions of words, these mundane patterns [of people's reactions] are far more common than their dramatic counterparts," the team wrote in their study. "Characters in modern fiction turn on the lights after entering rooms; they react to compliments by blushing; they do not answer their phones when they are in meetings."

How Mashable is using artificial intelligence to shape stories

From New Look to Google, artificial intelligence is increasingly featuring in the plans of forward-thinking brands, and according to new media darlings Mashable, AI should now be in the thoughts of publishers too.

Google's artificial intelligence unit enters healthcare via medical apps

Alphabet-owned Google DeepMind is expanding its artificial intelligence capabilities from playing the complex board game Go to enabling patient monitoring and optimal treatment. The London-based company is piloting two apps at area hospitals under its just-launched division, DeepMind Health.

DeepMind's Artificial Intelligence Knows Where You Were Last Summer

MIT Technology Review gives us yet another insight into Google's complex network of Artificial (AI), DeepMind. The AI system has a new ability which determines where a picture is taken, anywhere in the world. A computer vision specialist at Google, Tobias Weyand, has trained DeepMind's neural networks to calculate the location of any photo by using image pixels.

Dive Into the Artificial Intelligence Revolution at the GPU Technology Conference

Deep learning changes everything. And our GPU Technology Conference will cover almost every aspect of it. Deep learning - which couples the parallel processing capabilities of GPUs with the vast quantities of data unleashed by the internet - has unlocked a new generation of artificial intelligence applications.

Ridley Scott And Carrie Fisher Help IBM Make Artificial Intelligence A Bit Less Scary

The bulk of our impressions of artificial intelligence are based on how it's portrayed in movies. From Blade Runner to The Terminator to Ex Machina to Avengers: Age of Ultron, it's clear the only inevitable path to the impending robot apocalypse will be dark, brooding, and disastrous. Right? Maybe.

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