Sunday, April 17, 2016

Artificial Intelligence News Issue 27

Welcome to the Momenta Learning News on Artificial Intelligence. This is issue 27, please feel free to share this post.

Artificial Intelligence: Bringing Humanity to Big Data & Customer Experience - insideBIGDATA

In this special guest feature, Dave O'Flanagan, CEO and co-founder of Boxever , outlines how airlines are leveraging big data and predictive capabilities to transform how they engage with customers. Dave is the CEO and co-founder of Boxever , a data science and omni-channel personalization platform for travel companies.


The subprime financial crisis revealed that our data is only as good as our ability to analyze and understand it. AI will be necessary to helping prevent the next crisis before it happens.

Artificial intelligence can compose video game music of the future

Marco Scirea, a PhD student at the IT University of Copenhagen, won the best paper award at the EvoMUSART conference for his research on music composition using artificial intelligence. Can artificial intelligence create music that is harmonious, pleasant and interesting to human ears?

Wanted: Creative types to shape the personalities of virtual assistants

Poets, comedians, fiction writers and other artistic types are being charged with engineering the personalities for a fast-growing crop of artificial-intelligence tools. Share story SAN FRANCISCO - Until recently, Robyn Ewing was a writer in Hollywood, developing TV scripts and pitching pilots to film studios.

The funny things happening on the way to singularity

Technology will eventually make work obsolete. Our big problems are going to be figuring out how to survive the transition, then figuring out what to do with all that free time. Given the relationship most people have with their smartphones, you could argue it's already happening.

Toyota Research Institute to open facility in Michigan | ZDNet

More big moves at the Toyota Research Institute (TRI): CEO Gill Pratt announced that the carmaker's $1bn dollar artificial intelligence and robotics initiative would open a third facility, this one in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Jeff Hawkins: Creating Future Intelligent Machines - Techaeris

Intelligent machines are still far off in the future, how far is anyone's guess but the reality is the concept is being worked on. There's much debate on intelligent machines, otherwise known as "artificial intelligence," and whether or not creating such things is wise.

Why It's a Mistake to Compare A.I. With Human Intelligence

In 1950, the brilliant mathematician and cryptographer Alan Turing began his seminal paper " Computing Machinery and Intelligence "with a simply query: "I propose to consider the question, 'Can machines think?' " It is a question that still resonates today, because it is essentially incoherent and thus unanswerable.

Human intelligence needed to compete with AI | Rochester Business Journal New York business news and information

Automation has traditionally replaced manual workers, but in its current third phase, many things that knowledge workers do today will be automated through artificial intelligence. This concerns many of us, as reflected in the recent Rochester Business Journal Daily Report Snap Poll ("Readers weigh in on risks of AI," March 18, 2016).

Can Artificial Intelligence Be Ethical?

PRINCETON - Last month, AlphaGo, a computer program specially designed to play the game Go, caused shockwaves among aficionados when it defeated Lee Sidol, one of the world's top-ranked professional players, winning a five-game tournament by a score of 4-1. Why, you may ask, is that news?

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