Saturday, April 23, 2016

Artificial Intelligence News Issue 30

Welcome to the Momenta Learning News on Artificial Intelligence. This is issue 30, please feel free to share this post.

How can Rush predict who's got Zika or Ebola? Artificial intelligence.

A patient walks into the emergency department at Rush University Medical Center with a fever and bloodshot eyes. In days of yore, doctors would have to exhaustthe obvious possibilities - like a flu or allergic reaction - before finally figuring a patient was suffering from Zika virus.

Advanced Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a modern computing field that attempts to augment machine development to the point where it transcends human intelligence. The subject incorporates the concepts of computation and statistics with brain physiology, to create autonomous sentient machines capable of extrapolating independent conclusions. The success to creating a successful AI is contingent upon success...

Artificial Intelligence's Ultimate Challenge? Cyber Attacks

Have you heard the one about how our jobs are about to be snatched away by machines? Or how artificial intelligence will ultimately rise up against us?

When Artificial Intelligence Started To 'Change The World'

ENIAC in Action: Making and Remaking the Modern Computer, is a nuanced, engaging and thoroughly researched account of the early days of computers, the people who built and operated them, and their old and new applications.

Artificial Intelligence Useful in Cancer Diagnosis? AI Proves Use In Finding Cancer Cells Despite Reports Claiming It Could Destroy Humanity

Despite the latest reports claiming the development of artificial intelligence (AI) could end humanity within decades, it recently proved its use in cancer diagnosis. University of California Los Angeles researchers found a new method of detecting cancer cells faster and more accurately without destroying them.

Why You Can't Teach Human Values to Artificial Intelligence

If you encountered a robot on the street, you would want it to give you the right of way instead of just rolling over your foot, right? Making room for a passerby is simple, but it's just one of the many human "values" that we seek to make our increasingly prolific machine creations obey.

Artificial intelligence in healthcare: an interview with Dr Ehud Reiter

Dr. Ehud Reiter Chief Scientist, Arria NLG Professor of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen Artificial Intelligence has made huge advances in recent years in many areas, including language processing, vision, and machine learning; we are also seeing the emergence of platforms that integrate different kinds of AI, such as IBM Watson (Arria is a Watson ecosystem partner).

15 examples of artificial intelligence in marketing

Here are a whole bunch of case studies and use cases, as a complete primer for AI in our industry. Predictive analytics allows Netflix to surface and finesse recommendations. This kind of clustering algorithm is continually improving suggestions, allowing users to make the most of their subscription.

Microsoft and Google Want to Let Artificial Intelligence Loose on Our Most Private Data

New ways to use machine learning without risking sensitive data could unlock new ideas in industries like health care and finance. The recent emergence of a powerful machine-learning technique known as deep learning has made computing giants such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft even hungrier for data.

What Artificial Intelligence Means for the Job Market - DZone Big Data

The Big Data Zone is presented by Exaptive. Learn about how to rapidly iterate data applications, while reusing existing code and leveraging open source technologies. The future is here. Even just a generation ago, the concept of a handheld device able to talk back to you was a fantasy, but it's now something that even toddlers are used to.

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