Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Artificial Intelligence News Issue 44

Welcome to the Momenta Learning News on Artificial Intelligence. This is issue 44, please feel free to share this post.
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Google: Useful artificial intelligence finally here

Spring may finally have arrived for artificial intelligence, Google executives said Friday. Speaking at the Google I/O developers conference in Mountain View, executives said that artificial intelligence and machine learning have advanced to the point where they are proving genuinely useful, through such technologies as speech recognition and language translation.

Robots wrangle with Wright brothers in science talk

Self-driving cars, death-dealing drones, robots performing surgery, computers writing their own codes - not even George Orwell imagined a world where Big Brother could be a super-smart machine instead of a faceless, mind-robbing bureaucrat.

Apple faces hurdles in 2016: podcast

SAN FRANCISCO - It's open season on Apple. At least that appears to be the sentiment among some investors and industry pundits after the venerable company recorded its first decline in year-over-year quarterly sales in more than a decade, low-lighted by a 16% drop in iPhone sales (51.2 million) - It's first decline since the smartphone debuted in 2007 - and an 11% decline in sales in China.

IBM Looks To Watson To Fight Online Criminals And Filter The Flood Of Security Data

Worldwide spending on cybersecurity likely topped $75 billion last year, researchers at Gartner estimated, with companies more wary than ever of the risks posed by data breaches and other digital attacks.

Worried About Artificial Intelligence? What About The Disruptive Potential Of Artificial Bodies?

Many articles and commentators recently have expressed concern about the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to disrupt human life. Some have even gone apocalyptic in their visions of AI run amok. Certainly there is cause for concern and we should pay attention to the evolution of AI. However, few people are [...]

Artificial Intelligence: Driving the Next Revolution in Travel?

Artificial intelligence (AI), that is the ability of machines to imitate human intelligence processes, and machine learning, a branch of AI concerning the possibility for computers to learn when exposed to new information, are acquiring an increasingly important role in the travel industry and are expected to be among its main disruptors in the next few years.

Guest commentary: The real threat of artificial intelligence

Many people find recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) quite alarming. Indeed, luminaries, ranging from Nobel laureate Stephen Hawking to technology pioneers Elon Musk and Bill Gates, have warned that artificial intelligence technology might be more dangerous to humankind than the atomic bomb.

No Industry Can Afford to Ignore Artificial Intelligence

MIT Technology Review 's EmTech Digital conference will explore and explain how artificial intelligence is transforming all kinds of business. Sixty years ago this summer, four computer science professors established a summer project aimed at creating "artificial intelligence"-the first time this phrase was ever used.

The House That Learns: Bringing Artificial Intelligence Into The Home

A new company is hoping to take the smart home sector to the next level by introducing artificial intelligence.

Why Artificial Intelligence Will Change Our World And Why It Needs To Be Purposeful

Around 200 years ago the industrial revolution immutably remoulded society. Today another revolution is underway with potentially even further reaching consequences. Artificial Intelligence in industry, experts are predicting, will change everything about the way we produce, manufacture and deliver. Cognitive computing, machine learning, natural language processing - different terms have [...]

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