Sunday, June 26, 2016

Artificial Intelligence News Issue 55

Welcome to the Momenta Learning News on Artificial Intelligence. This is issue 55, please feel free to share this post.
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This is where the real action in artificial intelligence takes place

SAN FRANCISCO -- Swarms of journalists lined the halls of a Southern California oceanfront resort recently to see tech luminaries like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk discuss the Gawker case, rocket launches to space, and, Silicon Valley's obsession du jour, artificial intelligence.

Research showing why hierarchy exists will aid the development of artificial intelligence

New research explains why so many biological networks, including the human brain (a network of neurons), exhibit a hierarchical structure, and will improve attempts to create artificial intelligence. The study, published in PLOS Computational Biology, demonstrates this by showing that the evolution of hierarchy - a simple system of ranking - in biological networks may arise because of the costs associated with network connections.

Compassion, Artificial Intelligence And The Uncanny Valley | AdExchanger

"Data-Driven Thinking" is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media. Today's column is written by Alastair Boyle, global client partner and head of strategy at Essence. Although artificial intelligence (AI) can help advertisers be more compassionate, it isn't without potential pitfalls.

Artificial intelligence is not exactly the old wine in new bottle

Home | News | New Products | India Specific | Design Guide | Sourcing database | Student Section | About us | Contact us | What's New News Date: 12/06/2016 Artificial intelligence is not exactly the old wine in new bottle Artificial intelligence (AI) is not a new subject, it was a serious subject of research and study since modern computers have taken birth.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI and Machine Learning Target both Business and Government

By Dick Weisinger "AI is the most important technology that anybody on the planet is working on today. I would argue that it will even change how we perceive what it means to be human," said Dave Coplin, chief envisioning officer at Microsoft UK.

What's Next for Artificial Intelligence

HOW DO YOU TEACH A MACHINE? The traditional definition of artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to execute tasks and solve problems in ways normally attributed to humans. Some tasks that we consider simple-recognizing an object in a photo, driving a car-are incredibly complex for AI.

Artificial Intelligence Chair At Singularity University On How AI Will Augment Human Capability

Singularity University is part business incubator and part think tank founded by Peter Diamandis and Ray Kurzweil in 2008 in the NASA Research Park in Silicon Valley. Among the topics that have risen in prominence in the curriculum of the University is artificial intelligence. Neil Jacobstein is a former President of [...]

MIT's artificial intelligence passes key Turing test | ZDNet

An MIT algorithm has managed to produce sounds able to fool human listeners and beat Turing's sound test for artificial intelligence. Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are using Alan Turing's tests, developed in the 1950's, as a benchmark to see if humans can create machines with a high enough level of artificial intelligence which is "indistinguishable" from humans.

Artificial Intelligence Is Helping The Blind To Recognize Objects

Can artificial intelligence help visually impaired people recognize objects around them and improve their quality of life? That's the promise of two new apps. EyeSense, an iPad app developed in Egypt, has the ability to "learn" objects in its environment, having been trained by its users.

Seeking: Computer Programmers for the Future

Millions of people in the workplace are going to be replaced by computers in the next decade. This means that reorganizing the human workforce in the face of this change will be essential. The World Economic Forum recently issued a report on the future of jobs that declares an "urgency for adaptive action today."

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